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Customized Flyers, Banners, ect. Done for FREE!!!! More to be added Weekly! If you see any Pictures, Flyers, Banners you want to add your information on, Send me an Email ( with your info, how you want it to look and I will get it back to you ASAP!!

Here is a FLYER that is also FREE for you to put your Contact Information and PRINT for FREE!!


“The MCA Flyers and Banners makes the visual portion of the presentation much easier to explain, and It's as simple as showing them the money!!!

Samantha Jones, Teacher

“The Flyers speak for themselves when seen and most if not all people want more information on the Program after that point of contact, which is awesome!.”

Paul Hanson, Truck Driver


How can you possily go wrong with FLYERS...

You can POST a FLYER nearly ANYWHERE. On a pole, a bulletin board, in a restaurant, in a library, at a dealership, at a college, ect... Of course you can always stand in a populated area and just pass them out. Put them on the windshields of cars in a parking lot...TRULY ENDLESS LOCATIONS and usually one of the CHEAPER forms of offline advertising.

You can also pay someone to pass out flyers for you while you are online, they are offline getting your website and MCA infomation out to everyone possible. Giving a Flyer to soameone in their hand is usually more effective than just posting it somewhere in the end they both work for you. Focus on passing out flyers in relevant targeted people if possible., High School/College Student (High School/College Flyer) Driver (Benefits Flyer) Referral Associate (Platinum Flyer)




Watch the LAWS when it comes to distributing Flyers. Don't Flyer Mailboxes, the USPS DOESN'T ALLOW THIS.. HOWEVER, if you are in a location with a common area, such as an apartment building, a condo, residence hall, you may be able to leave them a stack for people to take (then at least you know THEY are interested because the VOLUNTARILY took them. Also be careful where you post Flyers on cars as well, because the city you are in might not allow it, and they might consider it an act of littering.

Make sure your Flyer Design is an ATTENTION GRABBER, TO THE POINT, and provides a CALL TO ACTION! is the #1 Source for Printing and Marketing! Cheapest Prices & Best Work Available!





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