If anyone is looking for ANYTHING, GOOGLE is the #1 STOP
So why wouldn't you want to get something that can be found in GOOGLE?
Many of the other search engines can help you get what you need, but the key is to get ranked HIGHLY in GOOGLE. You can probably find MANY things that can help you with your GOOGLE ranking for keywords.
- Google Adwords
(allows you to see how often a keyword is searched, total number of searches, competition, ect.)
You can also use Google Adwords to build ads (you know those ads you see at the top and right of the
search results) that can promote your web pages. You can target by keywords, area and so many features, this is paid advertising that can work, but you'll need to budget. Using IGU can help you tremendously with your online efforts.
- Internet Guru University -HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
(created by Matthew Mcmills, a top leader in MCA and the world of internet marketing, who has years of experience succeeding and providing other's success) -I personally use his methods to rank not just websites, but YouTube videos as well. His knowledge is priceless.
When you have content, especially that you've made on websites, don't forget the social media aspect. This includes GOOGLE +PLUS. These social rankings aid in your sites popularity and can help boost it up the rankings.
Many internet marketers will tell you that one of the KEYS to high ranking is SEO. Using the tools of IGU can help you out... It's all a matter of keeping your websites KEYWORD RICH but not excessive... This includes the title, the Meta Tags, and the content.
You can use sites such as Pingler to let major search engines know that your site exists to help get it submitted and searchable.
More will be coming on GOOGLE...
By the way,...Don't forget YAHOO (#4 in the world) & BING (#23 in the world) either!!